Hi everybody~~~? Here is a photo of me! Just that, this time round with no contact lenses to enhance my eyes because I’ve perfect eyesight now. *Flips hair* ? I’ve received many questions from y’all (including my friends) and the very top concerns that I’ve been receiving are; Can…
Ruined Complexion Final [Acne Scars and Skin Damage]
It’s about 3 months since my worst massive outbreak, ever, due to DF’s product. For those who are new here, you can read about it at Ruined Complexion I [Niks Maple Clinic 1st Consultation]. My face now is more or less under control. At the very least, I could get…
Can’t wear contact lenses anymore?!
I’ve been wearing different brands of contact lenses since I started modelling. The one thing in common is they’re all colored contact lenses as they’ve always made my eyes look a little rounder and bigger, especially in photos. ? True, they were not exactly unhealthy for eyes, but I…
Ruined Complexion IV [Niks Maple Isolaz]
I got to know about Isolaz on the 1st consultation with Dr. Ong (click here), but I thought that I might actually recover within a month or less since my outbreak was due to products rather than puberty (or any “natural” causes, for that matter). Since my outbreak due…
Ruined Complexion III [Niks Maple Chemical Peel]
I was advised by Dr. Ong to do a chemical peel, but she was too busy so I kept delaying until during the 2nd consultation, she actually asked me why I did not get it done yet (Click here for Part I & II). Actually it’s just a simple…
Ruined Complexion II [Niks Maple West Clinic 2nd Consultation]
My 2nd consultation with Dr. Ong was actually just 3 weeks from the 1st consultation (you can read about it here), but I was to be away during that week so I went to visit today instead (2 weeks and 2 days). Partly also because my skin started…