You probably already knew that I’m a huge fan of Japanese cuisine from all my Instagram posts, and truth be told, I am actually quite picky about where I eat my Japanese food too. Don’t get me wrong – the place doesn’t have to be super atas, but…
Best Massage Places In Johor Bahru, Malaysia [Updated June 2018]
Massage is something that I totally couldn’t appreciate when I was “young”. It’s soooo ticklish~~ I ended up enduring my giggles until I burst into laugher, influencing the masseuse too. Then, I started Events & Modelling on a full time basis, with long hours on killer heels – especially those…
Creative X-Fi Sonic Carrier [Worth it or Not?]
With a hefty price tag of S$7999 (or about US$5800) excluding shipping and installation charges, the Creative X-Fi Sonic Carrier probably has had many people being somewhat taken aback, exclaiming “WHAT!?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?!”. 😱 Giving the fact that the average market price for an off-the-shelf Home Sound…
Whitening Supplements [IDS Lyco-White / Gluta Pancea]
I’m naturally tanned (as you can probably tell by now) which is a total opposite from my mum. Over the years, I’ve tried quite a number of whitening skincare products. Some of them actually do work, but I soon realised that they introduced different skin tones between my…